Monday to Friday 08.15 – 17.00 01603 288445 Funded and supported by Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals Trust and Diabetes Norfolk
High-quality care
for Norfolk and Norwich
Leading research
across the nation

Videos for Adults

An important step towards improving people’s self-management of their own diabetes in Norfolk has been taken with the launch of this series of free videos and audio podcasts. They have been produced by the Elsie Bertram Diabetes centre. These films are designed to give information about Type 2 diabetes and how to live with this condition.

To give your feedback about these videos click here to answer a survey.

They discuss lifestyles changes, risks and how to self-manage the condition.
They are packed with useful tips and advice to help achieve a healthier lifestyle.


Chapter 1: Introduction 

Chapter 2: What is Diabetes? 

Chapter 3: High Blood Sugars 

Chapter 4: Diet and Nutrition 

Chapter 5: Exercise and Healthy Lifestyles 

Chapter 6: Smoking and Diabetes 

Chapter 7: Alcohol and Diabetes 

Chapter 8: Weight Management in Diabetes

Chapter 9: Medications 

Chapter 10: Monitoring 

Chapter 11: Low Blood Sugars 

Chapter 12: Illness and Sick Day Rules

Chapter 13: Driving and Diabetes 

Chapter 14: Annual Review Appointment 

Chapter 15: Eye Care

Chapter 16: Reducing Cardiovascular Risk 

Chapter 17: Foot Care 

Chapter 18: Erectile Dysfunction 

Chapter 19: Psychological Aspects of Diabetes 

Chapter 20: Diabetes and Pregnancy

Chapter 21: Travelling Abroad 

Chapter 22: Further Advice