Monday to Friday 08.15 – 17.00 01603 288445 Funded and supported by Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals Trust and Diabetes Norfolk
High-quality care
for Norfolk and Norwich
Leading research
across the nation


The directorate is the largest Diabetes & Endocrine service in the East of England, and one of the largest in the UK.  You can see  information on our Diabetes and Endocrinology services and quality markers in this NHS University teaching hospital, the associated University of East Anglia medical school and UEA biomedical schools  and the new functional and well staffed Clinical Research and Trials Unit 

The directorate supports a full range of specialist and general clinical services, for a stable local population of 600,000, and a local diabetes population of 42,000 people with known and unknown diabetes (2011).

There are active programmes for DAFNECSII, outreach services, primary care support, and mobile retinal screening, as well as among the largest and best described antenatal, paediatric and foot services in the UK.

The Trust and UEA are part of the larger Norwich Research Park (NRP) which also includes the John Innes Centre, the Institute of Food Research, the Sainsbury Laboratory and the Genome Analysis Centre and houses over 30 science and IT based companies and is one of Europe’s largest concentrations of research in Health, Food and Environmental Sciences.

An analysis of the most highly cited scientists in the UK over the past 20 years reveals that Norwich is ranked 4th in the UK after London, Cambridge and Oxford. The Acute Trust and Directorate staff have a long history of clinical – basic science collaboration with colleagues across the NRP, and research in this Directorate is integrated with and fully supported by the East of England DRN, PCRN, and local CLRN.

The Consultant team are all research active and offer a range of expertise and research outputs.

Local Research Network